To live in the paradise of pseudo intellects is another tragedy that we are facing. We are unable to perish this echoey pattern. We have been trapped with seeped pores to turn the environment salty. Vibrating strings and torch race, both have confused us to conclude about the phenomenon of stupidity. We are slaves or going to create new galaxies. To whom we are answerable! Can we consider doubts as a blessing? What can we do, as a member of the society while bearing the burden of this dilemma?
Torch race participant! Come with me, here in Pakistan where logic has been prisoned. Institutes are under surveillance of myopic thinking. In Punjab, there is a so-called agency cum abattoir named as Punjab forensic science agency. There are several slaves working at the cost of their lives. Ph.D., M. Phil qualified people have kept their breath mortgaged at the whims of social butchers. Economic hitmen have clutched them even with the pen in hands. Have they chosen this path? Or this social system of the privileged class has dragged them where human beings are not allowed to travel towards freedom. We are caged. Our skills are here to be sold and these butcher shops are always open to materialized the fake superiority of spineless clown. Having sticks in their hands, they believe that they can also drive the scientific brains at their will. Listen! this cannot happen this time as we are living in the Hawkings’ era. Who has allowed the self-centric Mr.Tahir Ashraf to play with the future of our country without following rules, law, and constitution? Mr.Tahir is trying to make scientists Anatole Frances’ juggler whose sole destination is to delight him. Who has allowed him to make rules for his induction? We are easily impressed by the foreign suitcase without knowing the durability of this suitcase in our environment. Sooner or later nearby premises and communities become addicted to that very smell.
This is the time when our future is hijacked for the coming decades. An easy approach to put yourself before vultures. The vultures who have been hired for decomposing old trends but in the field of science static practices make the scenario worse. Supreme authorities! Have you read about thoughts of Hertz which were not welcomed and engulfed by the scientific giants then! Mr.Tahir altogether seems to be a curse for the future of forensic science as he is a narcissist and intentionally destroying the rules, laws, and constitution. The loudmouth pretends himself omnipotence of this agency in a country where there is no rule of constitution except these dwarfs. Thousands of scientists are salves of this underground by not being regularized after three years of services in spite of rules 2014 and deputed vicious retired Colonel who has been trying to ruin the image of the great institute. Otherwise, being alien deputations in the agency and spineless entity, he is the burden for the fraternity of scientists as well as for janitorial staff. Scientists/inventors should be ashamed of their deeds and achievements throughout human history who enabled such mindsets to push the trigger at their will. The spineless clown does not know how to behave in the literate & civilized communities. But, who cares! It is the country which is hostage by so-called spineless watchmen and pseudo intellects who are usually thrown out of the window of logic to keep the color of life rainbow bright in the cultured and civilized human societies.
Will this happen in our country? Let’s throw out the colonial mindset even in the field of science and keep an eye on spineless watchmen who can not only be self-destructive but also distress for society pillars. Open the window of logic and tap your rainbow with eyelids. Purity will only pertain when parasites have been recognized otherwise, their system eating habit will never end.